Why is this important?===================
You probably heard so much about social media and maybe still confused.
Fact is that close to 400 Million people are part of this phenomenon in some way.
Fact is that winning the attention of your customers and prospects is easier, less costly and more effective through social media than doing mail shots, cold calls, or advertising. If you want to grow your business, you need to catch your customers in the social web, not with a boring promotion.
But you need to KNOW what to do there, what to expect and you need to KNOW the limitations. You also need to KNOW the places and tools that are out there.
You can figure this out yourself. It may take a few month and some try and error. Or you may take a professional class and actually explore the space from a professional point of view together with others.
What do you actually learn?========================
You probably already have an account on LinkedIn and/or Facebook. You probably have a some connections and check it out once in a while. Now lets get down to business.
1) You learn to understand that probably none of your customers is using social media yet - most of your customers are "in it" since years. So what do you make out of this?
Understand how customers - in particular economic buyers, decision makers and buying consumers use the social web. Learn how strategic you may want to get and leverage the media for you AND your customers.
2) You learn to look beyond your own profile but how to get active with your customers through group engagements and how to build your own groups to get closer with your market. How to deal with groups to not only use it for customers but as a lead generating
tools where you catch two birds with one stone get new contacts and be so helpful that they actually find you new members.
3) Learn to look at the "professional networks" versus "personal networks" not from your point of view but from a business point of view. There is much to learn from professional networker and how Facebook may become your most important source of information.
Learn to create a buzz around your groups and fan pages that will create more contacts than a spam filer can filter your mail shots.
4) Learn to understand Twitter from a business perspective. If you think Twitter is stupid and you have no time to follow conversations about somebodies lunch or walking the dog - it only indicates that you follow the wrong conversations. Learn how some leading companies like Comcast, IBM or Ford use Twitter for all kinds of customer interaction.
What our Social Media Certificate includes====================================
You learned to:
- create a holistic point of view when it comes to social media for business
- take social media as a cross functional solution for a better customer experience
- understand the key aspects of a social media strategy
- create a consistent profile across social media platforms as a person as well as a company
- leverage groups in LinkedIn to use it for business conversation
- how to create successful business conversations in LiunkedIn groups
- how to create your own group and make it successful
- how to bridge to confusion between busines and personal networks
- how to leverage facebook to learn more about your customers
- leverage facebook groups and fan pages for business interactions
- how to establish your own groups and fan pages and making them attractive
- when and why to use twitter for your business conversations
- how to select the right people and conversations
- what leverage twitter has to offer beyond just tweeting around
- how to use reporting tools report progress and success
Check it out at
Social Media Academy